JLabel [, 0, 0, 0x0,invalid,alignmentX = 0.0,alignmentY = 0. JFrame ,rootPaneCheckingEnabled = true ] label : javax.swing. Timer currentTime : () String frame : javax.swing. RunTimer : (interval : Int, taskFn : () => Unit )java.util. REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) also makes experimentation and Support and also provides access to the whole Java API. Provides object oriented programming and functional programming Scala may also be convenient as first programming language since it.Harder due to Scala advanced type system.
While it is easy to call Java code from Scala, the inverse is.Written as f1 $ f2 $ f3 $ x in Haskell and as f1 f1 |> f2 |> f3. Parenthesis, for instance the expression f1(f2(f3(x))) can be No convenient syntax sugar for function application which avoids.Not run when compiled against version 2.12. Releases, for instance, a library compiled againt Scala 2.11 may Scala generated code is not binary compatible between Scala.Drawbacks - As everything in the real world, there is always trade-offs.Better interfaces: Unlike, Java interfaces, Scala traits allows.There is no primitive types like in Java and all objects can be Pure Object Oriented language - Everything in Scala is an object,.Syntax sugars in Scala which makes the integration between OOPĪnd FP smoothly, such as syntax sugars for calling methods, theĪbility to pass functions and method as arguments of methods or Interoperability between OOP and FP - There are lots features and.Of higher order methods (methods which takes functions asĪrguments) such as. Tables, aka dictionaries), tuples and so on with a wide variety Structures such as lists, arrays, vectors, hash maps (hash Rich Collection Library - Collections are standard data.TCO makes tail-recursive functions beĮquivalent to a while loop, hence not consuming stack frames AGDT is useful for represeting AST -Ībstract Syntax Trees write parsers and compilers and perform It frees the developer from declaring typing forĪll values and functions in a similar way to Haskell, although Functions can be passed as arguments to methods. Provides short syntax for curried functions.Lambda function (aka anonymous function).Libraries and integration with old code bases. Java Integration - As a JVM language Scala allows reusing of all Java.It suitable for scripting and small proof-concept programs. Scripting language - Scala has a fast initialization time what makes.Interactive - Scala REPL allows the user to perform exploratoryĭesign and learn and experiment the Java API interactively.Programming language that runs in JVM - Java Virtual Machine thatĪllows type-safe programming with high productivity. Imperative language created by Martin Odersky, or multi-paradigm

Scala is a statically typed, functional, object oriented and Model View Presenter with Passive View - MVP Converting Functions to Java Swing Event Listener Implicit conversions of Functions to Single-Method Interfaces Scala For-comprehensions and Haskell do-notation Example 4: Pattern matching specific exceptions.

Catching exceptions without finally block.

Avoiding null checking and null pointer exceptions Destructuring List, Arrays and other collections Regex use case for extracting color from string Join multiple strings by common separators

Custom control structures with call-by-name Variadic - function or functions with variable number of arguments: Generic Functions - functions with type parameters Anonymous Functions / Lambda Functions or Function Literals